Want: Paypal
CW60 Skunkworxxx (LE), Typ60 Angelite Blue, GMK Stealth Base + Blackout Kit
Updated! This listing was edited at: 2023-07-29 01:44:24 (UTC)
User: _resistance
Confirmed trades: 1
Posted: 2023-07-27 17:38:17 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
CW60 WK Skunkworxxx (LE) - $550 shipped
A-stock, flawless condition
Full PC plate, carrying case, branded cloth, cleanly desoldered H60 RGB PCB
Typ60 Angelite Blue - $400 shipped
A-stock, flawless condition
Full Carbon Fiber Plate, carrying case, 3 blockers
Built with Moondrop Lunalight linearsGMK Stealth Base + Blackout Kit - $280 shipped Sold
Shipped in original boxes or in bags, excellent condition
No shine, used for a couple of weeks
Boxes have slight rips in some corners (Shown in timestamp)
Open to trade for other cool boards!