Want: Paypal, Cash
Gray Cyberboard, Space65 r2, Tofu60 2.0, TMOv2
Updated! This listing was edited at: 2023-10-23 04:38:26 (UTC)
User: CaptainZazzles
Confirmed trades: 29
Posted: 2023-10-18 20:16:03 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
Letting go of a bunch of stuff that I'm not using anymore.
Item | Price | Avail. | Remarks
:--|:--|:-- |:--
Cyberboard r1|$600| Yes| Gray color. Hotswap. Stabs included.
Space65 CV| $330| SOLD | Light blue color from the Schrodinger pool. Built with POM Cobalt on carbon fiber. Comes with extra gray and white badges. Comes with PC back piece.
Tofu60 2.0 | $150 |Yes| WKL E-coated red. Stabs included.
TMO50v2 | $390 |Yes | E-white color. Built with Ink Blacks on brass. Comes with extra PCB.
Local to 92821
Prioritizing local. Prices are shipped.
Not looking for trades atm.