Fully Built KBDFans Odin V1/R1 1800
User: GoldflakeTheGoldWing
Confirmed trades: 8
Posted: 2024-01-13 02:33:42 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
Hello, looking to sell my white KBDfans Odin V1. It's in nearly flawless condition. Only thing to point out would be a microscopic nick that isn't visible at all if you aren't looking for it. There is some residue on the plates from the gasket stickers I've used, but this isn't visible when full built. Included as barebones:
per-key rgb hotswap pcb
pc plate
brass plate
pc Odin v2 plate that I modded to fit in the v1 (it offers better stability on the 2U keys)
plate and case foam
pe foam sheet for pcb
extra pe foam under pcb
e coated white weight
pc rgb badge
kbdfans rubber gaskets (10 installed, 9 extras)
10 extra case screws
a pack of 110 universal light diffusers
If you want it fully/partially built:
\+ Tuned Cherry clip ins and AE Staebies
\+ Your choice of Lubed Epomaker Wisteria Linears or Outemu SIlent Lime V2s tactiles (Wisterias cost $15 extra)
\+ Either Drop DCX Bow or GMK Rudy R2 keycaps (both no shine and shipped in original packaging)
\+ Coiled cable (seen in pics) with aviator connector
\+ extra screws and wires for stabilizers
\+ keycap and switch puller
\+ extra 120 35gf springs
Looking for $300 barebones/$360 prebuilt with DCX Bow/$450 prebuilt with GMK Rudy
Shipping in conus included
Looking to trade for a Mode Sonnet. Looking to buy a Mode Envoy copper weight and accent.
Sound test (Wisterias, GMK Rudy)
Sount test (Silent Limes, DCX Bow)