Want: Paypal, Matae Shibakeys
Artisans, ErgoTravelLight Kit
User: Punksquirrel
Confirmed trades: 117
Posted: 2024-01-22 18:27:59 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: VA
Howdy, just a few things up for sale today. Prices are shipped USD, please comment before PM'ing.
Maker/Sculpt | Colourway | Price
Lividity Caps Biine | Tattooine | $32
Matae Shibakey | Bulba | $65
ErgoTravelLight v1.0 Kit - $26 shipped
Everything you need to put together a cute little ergo build including controller, diodes, ports, etc. Does not include cables, switches, and caps. Soldering obviously required.
Looking for other Matae Shibakeys, let me know what you have. Thank you for reading.