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GMK Classic Retro Zhuyin, ePBT Origami plus novelties, 21kb Chinese Rainbow Keycaps
User: raygunner14
Confirmed trades: 43
Posted: 2024-03-21 02:12:34 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: NY
Hi MM - prices are shipped. Please PM and comment with questions/offers. Thanks!
-GMK classic retro zhuyin base: mounted twice for short periods, like new. Shipped in XL ziplock bag- $120
-ePBT origami hiragana base + novelties: mounted twice briefly when i first got it then sat in a box. Shippzed in XL ziplock bag - $100
-21kb Chinese Rainbow Keycaps base: excellent condition, rarely used. Shipped in original 21kb bag - $40