Want: Paypal
Cyberboard, TMOv2
Updated! This listing was edited at: 2024-04-04 20:46:33 (UTC)
User: CaptainZazzles
Confirmed trades: 29
Posted: 2024-04-01 20:16:40 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
Priced to move. (Adjusted 4/4/2024 see latest post)
Item | Price (shipped) | Avail. | Remarks
:--|:--|:-- |:--
Cyberboard r1|$420 $380| Yes| R1 Gray. Hotswap. Alu plate. Stabs included. Original accessories and carry case come included ofcTMOv2|320| No | e-white color. Built with ink blacks on brass. Comes with extra PCB
I'm local to upper SoCal area if you're willing to meet! You wouldn't have to pay for shipping either so I'll knock off 20 bucks for you.
Prices are as shipped.
Not looking for any trades atm.