Alchemy Al.6, cascade60
User: GoldflakeTheGoldWing
Confirmed trades: 8
Posted: 2024-05-07 00:22:56 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
Alchemy Al.6 Black
- Battle hardened brass weights
- Alu, pc, fr4 plates
- Built with NOS Vintage MX Blacks on pc: Broken in 2m lubed with 205g0, filmed with deskeys, SPRiT Slow III 55g
- Stabs: Cherry stab housings with WS Stupid stab stems, staebies wires
- Comes with 40 extra vints
- Solder pcb (used, tested)
- Stock 50a oring, 35a rndkbd oring
- Original carrying case
- Does not come with keycaps
- Asking $450 340 shipped conus
Cascade60 pcb
- works well
- some sockets got mangled up from using desoldered switches
- easily fixable if you bend the metal pins back with tweezers
- comes with tuned cherry stabs
- Asking $45 shipped conus
Bundle both for $375