Want: Paypal
TGR 910 ME crimson red, Keycult 2/65, GMK Mandalorian, GMK DMG, Swtiches
Updated! This listing was edited at: 2024-05-13 23:20:25 (UTC)
User: EducationNo4022
Confirmed trades: 8
Posted: 2024-05-13 19:13:32 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
TimestampTGR 910 ME crimson red A stock Built with lubed and filmed alpacas on pc plate and soldered pcb 625 shipped 910 Cf back plate - 35 shipped 910 SS mirror back plate - 60 shipped Both for 80 shipped. Bundle with 910 for 675.Keycult 2/65 A stock Powder coat white / waves Unbuilt. Hotswap pcb and alu plate 700 shipped
SOLD TO U/Silver-Ebb-1753
Sealed GMK sets
Mandalorian -110 shipped
Dmg r3 - 105 shipped.
Both for 200 - shipped.
65x lube and filmed 62g bobas and 90 jwk blueys
50 shipped
comment before pm. Thanks!