Many GMK sets, KKB sets
User: EducationNo4022
Confirmed trades: 8
Posted: 2024-06-06 14:34:03 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
Lots of sets to move this time around! Prices are shipped CONUS.
GMK Bleached, light shine on A, S, D. no yellowing, 90
GMK BoW, classic base with R5, missing >< key and 1u numpad - key, 100
GMK Camping R3, burgundy base, spacebars, not used, 130
GMK Camping R3, green base, not used, 110GMK Dualshot r2 Standard base kit BNIB, 100 sold for asking
GMK Hooty, hootcare (base), rehootables, hootcents (accents), hootspansion (spacebars plus), 210GMK Kouhai, base, spacebars, katakana alphas, no noticeable shine, 200 sold for askingGMK Maroon, base kit, no shine or texture loss, 100 sold for asking
GMK Matsu, base kit, fix it alphas, novs, spacebars, 175
GMK Mecha-01, base kit, novs, spacebar, slight shine on some keys (e, t, 6.25u spacebar, one of the 2.25u shifts), 150
GMK Mika, Base kit BNIB, 100
GMK Moomin, base kit. Light shine on A, S, D, F, J, 90
GMK Night Runner R3, base kit, novs, spacebar, 180
GMK Panda, BNIB base kit, alt alphas, 120GMK Panda, BNIB base kit, novelties, spacebars, 120Sold for asking
GMK Purplish, base kit, novs, spacebars, 175
GMK Redline, light shine on F. base, dashboard (novelties), warning (macros), alternate (accents), and aesthetics (spacebars) kits, 200
GMK Royal Cadet, base kit, symbols, 160GMK Stealth, used light shine: base kit, blackout alphas and (BNIB) NordeUK, 200 Sold for askingGMK Striker R2, Base kit BNIB, 100sold for askingGMK Tiramisu, base kit, spacebars, 135 sold for asking
GMK Truffleschwein, base kit, unboxed never mounted, 110
GMK Yutousu, base, opened not mounted, 110KKB Darling, 115 sold for asking
KKB Gigachild/Gigachad Accents, used for type test and stored in its packaging after, 60
NicePBT Pelo, base, 40
Comment before PM. Thanks!