SA Maestro, IFK Graen, Flame 60, J-01 LE, Viendi 8L, SA Ramses, MG Ember Dawn, PCBs, SA Oblivion, RAMA M6-A Collectors Editions
User: Shapespheric
Confirmed trades: 55
Posted: 2024-07-10 06:22:46 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: CA
Subregion: BC
Priority = Local > Canada > USA > North America >>> Rest of World
All prices in USD and does not include shipping
SA Maestro - $80
uniform base kit + spacebars
IFK Graen - $50
base kit
Flame 60 keyboard - Red - WK - $200
PC Plate
Solder PCB
Extra solder PCB
original carrying case
Viendi 8L - Shadow - $300
solder PCB - unused
all colors knob bundle from GB
J-01 LE (e-white version only 20 made) - $450
carrying case
GMK Gladiator - $100
base kit
never mounted
SA Ramses Nile (dark) Bundle - $150
alphas + mods
never mounted
SA Ramses Sand (light) Bundle - $150
seen mounted on the Viendi 8L Shadow
alphas + mods
SA Ramses Numpad kit - $50
SA Ramses Spacebar kit - $50
MG Ember Dawn - $80
DB60 PCB Millmaxed - $30
Think 6.5 V2 1U hotswap PCB - $50
Mouser Sat75 replacement Hotswap PCB - $50
Cannonkeys original S75 PCB sealed - $50
SA Oblivion V1 whole set + tray - $100
RAMA M6-A Collectors Edition - Rose Gold FULL BRASS - $400
RAMA M6-A Collectors Edition - Moon (Space Grey) FULL BRASS - $400