Kalamcult No.2 Rev.1 TKL, 2000 Mini SE Formula Red HHKB, Primus 75
User: kaiser2207
Confirmed trades: 3
Posted: 2024-07-20 04:33:00 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: TX
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/yosls0h
1. Primus75:
White top, yellow bottom, black weight
Built with 62g alpacas (lubed 205g0) on alu plate.
Still have the original box.
Has marks near the screw holes
Price: $225
2. Kalamcult No.2 Rev.1 TKL Dark Gray & Brass Bottom.
PCBs: 1 unused solder PCB, 1 used hotswap PCB
Plates: 1 aluminum + 1 brass
Price: $630
3. Brand new Hand Engineering 2000 mini Formula Red HHKB
PCBs: 2 new solder PCB
Plates: 1 aluminum + 1 carbon fiber
* Price: $650
All prices include shipping + G&S fees. More pictures can be provided upon request. Please comment before PM.
Edit: Keycaps are not included.