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Frog mini, Typface Univers, Bakeneko, F1-8X 722
User: cakehp
Confirmed trades: 6
Posted: 2024-07-24 18:01:33 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: TN
Green Frog mini WK: $200 Shipped
Great condition, comes with brown feet and stabilizers.
Hotswap PCB
Typface Univers: $325 Shipped
Perfect condition, comes with original packaging and stabilizers.
Hotswap PCB
Bakeneko 60: $70 Shipped
Great condition, glossy gray.
F1-8X 722 Cerakoted: $750 Shipped
Was originally raw, then had the top cerakoted by spacecables. Bottom is still raw.
Comes built with cherry mx blacks on an aluminum plate.
Soldered PCB