CruelWorld CW88 LE, GMK sets, Kkb voc, artisans
User: EducationNo4022
Confirmed trades: 8
Posted: 2024-08-29 23:35:15 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
Cleaning up some things to make room for incoming stuff. keycaps have no shine or texture loss
Original black backplate, extra cf back plate, extra SS back plate
Alu and pc plate
Millmaxxed pcb
Carrying case
$525 shipped
GMK Dualshot
Katakana base + accents + bars + D Rama + deskmat
155 shipped
GMK Honeywell
130 shipped
Gmk vaporwave
R2 base (Bnib sealed) + r1 novs
150 shipped
Gmk botanical r2
Base + novs + bars
130 shipped
Kkb VoC
75 shipped
Ramas are 40 each (all 4 Xs for 120) (will sell copper nest for an extra 100 when bundled)
Lat bunny is 65 shipped
All prices are obo. Bundles get discount. Comment before pm. Thanks!