Want: Paypal
Cruelworld CW88 LE, GMK Hammerhead light, GMK Dualshot bundle, Artisans
User: EducationNo4022
Confirmed trades: 8
Posted: 2024-09-04 23:24:45 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
Prices are shipped. Bundle gets discounts. (Might be willing to trade but preference is to sell first!)
CruelWorld CW88 LE
black back plate + CF back plate + SS silver back plate
millmaxed pcb + alu plate + pc plate
GMK Hammerhead Light Base
no texture or shine - like new
the second 2.25 shift has scratches on it
GMK Dualshot 2
Katakana base + accents + spacebars + deskmat
No shine or texture loss
RAMA Xs - $35 each ($175 for all 6)
Lat Bunny - $55