Space65 R3 in Darthvader (Black)
User: Verestrasz
Confirmed trades: 23
Posted: 2024-09-14 20:35:17 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: GA
Hey all, just recently got this board but unexpected situation arose and I quickly need to get some funds.
Really sad to part with this board that I've been trying to get my hands on since 2023, but life is life.Here's whats included:
Two pcbs, one hotswap, one mill-maxed solder pcb. (7u and split backspace)
1 hotswap PC plate, 1 solder POM plate.
Original accessories, tools, and box
1 spare unused white badge, 1 included black badge.
2 spare daughter boards.
The board will be barebones kit! (No keycaps or switches)I'm looking for $350 shipped OBO. The board is in nigh flawless condition (except a bit of dust and fingerprints) and has no damage I am aware of on the interior as well. (The hotswap pcb and some foam is a little dirty from the previous owner)
Please comment before PM, CONUS shipping only!