W1-AT, Tengu Alice, GMK Peaches n Cream Lite
User: kaiser2207
Confirmed trades: 3
Posted: 2024-10-12 23:05:22 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: TX
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/kKLv5ij
1. W1-AT:
Harbor Gray
3 PCBs:
1.2 mm currently built with L+F mx2a blacks with TX 65 long springs and TX AP clip in stabs.
1.6 mm solder PCB.
1.6 mm hotswap PCB.
Come with 10u spacebar kit, extra screws + daughter cable and carrying case.
Keycaps not included.
Price: $570
2. Tengu Alice:
1 mark, no other flaws that I can see
Come with 2 solder PCB(1 desolder, 1 brand new) + 1 alu, 1 brass, 1 CF, 1 POM plate and carrying case
Switches not included.
Price: $230
3. GMK Peaches n Cream Lite
* Price: $90
All prices included Paypal and shipping fees.
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