Want: Cash / Paypal
Shelby 80 Navy, Matrix 6XV 3.0 Corsa PVD Starry Night
User: Pitagoy
Confirmed trades: 5
Posted: 2024-11-17 20:52:39 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: NJ
Hey y'all. Going to be moving in a few months and unfortunately need to downsize. Looking to sell the two following boards:
Swagkey Shelby80 Navy Blue lightly used. Comes with POM Plate, PC Plate, Alu Plate. Comes with Hotswap PCB and Solder PCB. Comes with foam kit and default artisan.
425$ unbuilt, 525$ built with lubed and filmed nebulas and GMK Striker.
MatrixLab 6XV 3.0 Corsa PVD Starry Night lightly used. Comes with extra screen covers, foam kit, and entire box originally shipped in-
375$ shipped OBO unbuilt. 475$ built with DCX WOB with GMK Striker modifiers and Gateron Cream Sodas.