Rama Koyu Tank, Rama M65-B Yolk, Rama M50-A Kuro, Sirius Full POM Build
User: Zilleon
Confirmed trades: 35
Posted: 2024-12-30 01:39:42 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: CA
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/9wFiyqd
The prices do not include shipping
Rama Koyu Tank
Includes the internal weight
Gateron Ink Switches lubed with 205g0
GMK Stabs lubed with 205g0
Includes the original box and packaging items
As far as I can tell, the case has no imperfections, the keyboard was never used as a daily driver, it was sitting on its original box since I built it.
Price: $1600
Rama M65-B Yolk
Never built, never used
Includes internal weight
Hotswap PCB
Includes the dampening solution
Original box including everything sent originally by Rama, nothing has ever been open
Price: $680
Rama M50-A Kuro Grid
Sealed package
Includes everything Rama sent in the original package. You can choose if you want me to open and verify that everything is there, or I can ship it with Rama's original seal.
Price: $380
Sirius - Full POM Build
Case made of 100% POM - HHKB layout
POM Plate
Cream POM switches lubed with 205g0
GMK Stabs lubed with 205g0
AN-C Cannon keys RGB PCB
Price: $450