Want: Paypal
Mendacity Steel Heavy Grail, Full Brass Think6.5, NK Aluvia, Full Brass Ciel60, Keebmat, Unknown Error Cable
User: AdOdd9226
Confirmed trades: 2
Posted: 2025-01-29 01:23:54 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: MA
timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/sz9hMMA
pricing are flexible, feel free to dm for better pictures or with offers
mendacity steel heavy grail - 1150 + shipping
built with brass plato plate and des v3 carrots
full brass think6.5 v1 - 600 + shipping
hotswap pcb
nk aluvia - 225 + shipping
lightly used
brass ciel60 (cielgo) - 320 + shipping
desoldered pcb
from private gb
keebmat - 10 + shipping or free with any purchase
Unknown Error cable - 50 + shipping or 30 with any purchase