RAMA Zenith Moon with extras, GMK Dracula (core, ERR!, highlights, whitespace), GMK Hammerhead (light base, novelties), GMK Bleached, GMK Terra Deskmat, WCK Deskmat, Artisans (S-Craft, JellyKey)
User: Fluffyox
Confirmed trades: 103
Posted: 2021-12-13 02:09:25 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: PA
All prices shipped CONUS and OBO, feel free to make offers. Additional cost for international shipping. Discount for local sales.
Item | Condition | Price
RAMA Zenith Moon | Sealed. Brass plate with hotswap PCB. Includes extra solderable PCB and extra black aluminum plate. | $650GMK Dracula | Sealed. Core, ERR!, highlights, whitespace kits. Prefer to sell as a bundle, but will split if I receive interest for all kits. | $400 SOLDGMK Hammerhead | Sealed. Light base and novelties kits. Prefer to sell as a bundle, but will split if I receive interest for all kits. | $250 SOLDGMK Bleached | Sealed. | $200 SOLDGMK Terra Deskmat | New, unused. |$75 SOLD
WCK Deskmat | New, unused. | $35
Artisan timestamps
Additional pics of Jelly Key spacebars
All of the artisans are brand new and have not been mounted.
$5 discount for each keycap you purchase after the first.
Item | Price
S-Craft Vulpix | $80
S-Craft Eevee | $80
S-Craft Clefairy | $80
S-Craft Mr. Mime | $80
S-Craft Shellder | $80
S-Craft Weepinbell | $80
Jelly Key 8-bit Mad Artisan’s Red Keep 6.25u | $90
Jelly Key 8-bit Orion the Ranger 6.25u | $90
Thanks for looking!