RAMA U-80 Seq2 Soya/Sage, Sagittarius, Sat75 R2, Pandora, lots of RAMAs, Sirius, S-Craft Pokemon R4 Set
User: brohothepirate
Confirmed trades: 39
Posted: 2022-03-20 18:27:44 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: NJ
Timestamp(s): https://imgur.com/a/peXX91U , https://imgur.com/a/ydBOb6V , https://imgur.com/a/J6WPNXH
Shipping for artisans within CONUS is $8 unless you buy so many it won't fit in a small envelope.
Shipping is not included for pricing, costs will be USPS based for most instances.
Sat 75 WK Cloud White: $720
Pandora WK Standard: $650
Sagittarius: $650
U-80 Seq2 hotswap (or solder) SOYA or SAGE: $525
GMK Aurora Polaris Base: $220
RAMA Aurora Polaris X: $65
S-Craft R4 (Weepinbell, Clefairy, Eevee, Mr Mime, Shellder, Vulpix) full set with original packaging: $300
Artkey Sirius Fulfillment \* 5 (as shown) : $450
Silver RAMA knob Sat75 R2: $80
Various RAMAs:
$90 for 1u Brass RAMAs
$65 for 1u Alu RAMAs
$110 for RAMA Brass enters
$90 for RAMA Alu enters