Black Sangeo60, Green Voice65, NicePBT Elderberry and BRG, ePBT ABS WoB, Milk Cover Keycaps
User: SiMundo7
Confirmed trades: 30
Posted: 2022-04-05 20:20:44 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: CA
Subregion: BC
Timestamp-Green Voice65 2 plates (PC and ALU), 1 working desoldered pcb and 1 broken with 2 stabs from previous owner, plate and spacebar foam, silicone dampener $480 USD / $600 CAD Shipped SOLD
-Sangeo60 black WKL 1 DZ60 pcb 1 alu plate, plate foam $340 USD / $430 CAD Shipped (Can be sold built with L+F Marshmallows and TX stabs for $400 USD)
-NicePBT BRG $85 USD / $105 CAD Shipped-NicePBT Elderberry $80 USD / $100 CAD Shipped SOLD
-ePBT ABS WoB barely used $85 USD / $105 CAD Shipped
-Milk Cover Keycaps $35 USD/ $45 CAD Shipped
All prices negotiable and open to any 60/65% higher end offers
(Both boards are desoldered cleanly with the FR-301)