Want: Paypal
Built Rose Gold ai03 Vega
User: SiMundo7
Confirmed trades: 30
Posted: 2022-04-24 05:40:11 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: CA
Subregion: BC
Rose Gold Vega (See timestamp for extra pictures)
-Solder PCB
-Gateron Ink Black V2s lubed with 205g0 on stem and housing, 105 on springs and TX 0.15 films.
-Carbon Fiber plate, extra POM half plate from PigeonsLikeBread
-Staebies on mods and holee'd C3 on spacebar because staebie was binding
-Both stock case foams
Asking $650 USD Shipped in original box (Can bundle keycaps and the amputee keyby for $775 Shipped)