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Black Vega w/ Hotswap PCB and POM Plate, Brand New Iron 165 Solder PCB and Alu. Plate
Updated! This listing was edited at: 2022-07-16 15:46:47 (UTC)
User: imnotuglyyouare
Confirmed trades: 18
Posted: 2022-07-14 02:43:44 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: MD
Black Vega is about 7 days old. Weight was switched out to the weight from a white Vega (which is darker) to get a stealthy look.Comes with Hotswap PCB and POM plate. Includes packaging and case foam. Does not come with switches or stabs. Gaskets meticulously applied on the case and not plate so plate swapping is easy.Price: $485 shipped via UPS Ground. $450 local 20850 sold for $420 to u/CatchPatchBrand New Iron165 R2 (with the flex cuts) solder PCB. Includes daughterboard. Alu. plate is also brand new.Price: $80 shipped. Sold to u/Scumtoes
Prices are firm for now. Thank you!