Sun68 white, silver KFE CE, Tada68, kbd67 mkii, GMK Deep Navy, Minterly seal, alpacas
User: cakehp
Confirmed trades: 6
Posted: 2022-09-27 22:52:43 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: TN
Sun68 white with brass weight: great condition, barely used, comes with stabilizers. Asking $400 SHIPPED
Silver winkey KFE CE: comes with a new PCB, POM plate, Poron dampening pad, brass/royal purple weights all in great condition. : asking $425 SHIPPED
Tada68: red high profile tada68, has creams lubed with 3204 soldered in on a stainless steel plate with also white leds, good condition: $100 SHIPPED
kbd67 mkii: light blue on an brass plate, koalas soldered in. comes with stabilizers, fairly large scratch on the back. $125 SHIPPED
Alpacas: linear, about 90 unlubed. $60 SHIPPED
Minterly Seals: lubed/filmed minterly seals that have been desoldered. About 85: $50 SHIPPED
* GMK Deep Navy: used only several times, has a little shine on a couple keys from factory. $195 SHIPPED SOLD