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Topre Realforce R3 gray color keycap set JP layout, Lubed and Filmed Black Inks, DZ60RGB-WKL Hot Swap PCB
Updated! This listing was edited at: 2022-12-11 23:08:56 (UTC)
User: kanecnc
Confirmed trades: 7
Posted: 2022-12-10 20:26:06 (UTC)
Listing Type: Selling
Region: US
Subregion: NE
Price includes shipping (only shipping to CONUS)
Topre Realforce R3 gray color keycaps set JP layout - $5062 Lubed (205g0) and filmed (Deskey) Black Inks V2 switches - $50 SOLD
DZ60RGB-WKL Hot Swap PCB (comes with case and plate foam, Durock v2 stabs and fr4 plate from hype keyboards) - $50